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Here is a copy of the class newsletter. What a busy few weeks it has been!
We have been exploring patterns. Patterns can be made in many different ways. We can make colour, shape and object patterns. we used the light box to make number and colour patterns.

In Mathematics we are continuing to look at the 1-9 sequence and numbers beyond 20. We played a game on the computers and had to find the missing numbers.

On Wednesday we made Popcorn. We explored the popcorn using our senses and had to guess what we were making. We then listed descriptive words on the Interactive Whiteboard and completed a word sort.  We discovered that the popcorn kernels have moisture inside them and when they are heated up they moisture expands and makes the kernel pop! After we had made the popcorn we created a procedural retell using the Braidy elements and focused on descriptive language.

Our classes retell was: Today in the kitchen Pre-Primary 1 made delicious popcorn. First we put the kernels on a tablespoon and poured them into the big popcorn machine. We turned the popcorn machine on and it spun the golden kernels until they were very, very hot. When they were hot the moisture inside them made them explode. We could hear them popping. When they popped they fell out of the machine into the pot. Then we ate the soft, fluffy, delicious popcorn.