Looking for something to keep the kids busy while on holidays? We have just uploaded some new cutting resources for your child to use at home. Feel free to have a look in the strategies and information section. Happy cutting!
Our class has just purchased some new resouces for us to use in the classroom.
One of the resources are our construction letters. We use the instruction cards to build the letters. We have then been using our letters to make words.

We alos purchased a card chute. We can place different cards into the chute to play different games. In one of the games we played,  we had to look at the picture on the card and say the sound it starts with. When then put the card in the chute  and the card flips over and tells us the answer. If we get it right we get to collect a block. The person with the most blocks at the end wins.

We also played a game using water beads. They are squishy beads that feel very soft and watery.

We rolled a dice and found a letter in the water bead bucket. Ten we had to say the letter name, the sound it makes, a word that starts with that sound and then put the word into a sentence. If we got it correct we could move our counter on the game board.

we are continuing to practise our letter recognition and sounding out simple words. We are so clever that we worked in pairs to read a simple sentence and match it to the correct picture.

We know that a sentence starts with a capital letter, there are spaces between each word and a sentence finishes with  full stop.

As a part of our letter focus we looked at the letter 'g'. We read the story the "Gingerbread man" and did lots of exciting activities. We painted a background for our Gingerbread man story and then dictated a setting for our painting.

We created a Gingerbread man story on the felt boards and shared our narratives with a friend.

We made Gingerbread men using eggs, flour, ginger, butter, cherries and sultanas. First we designed our gingerbread man on a sheet of paper and used sight words to help us write the ingredients. When then made our Gierbread men following our design. When we had finished we sequenced the pictures from the recipe and retold the procdure.  

Our deliscious Ginerbread men.
