During the holidays you can assist your child to revise concepts we have been learning this term. As you revisit previous posts it will aid you in remembering the various concepts and ideas you can use at home. 

* In our phonics programme we have looked at the letters;
                                         You can assist your child in recognising these sounds as well as forming them.

                                         * We are focusing on hearing individual sounds in consonant-vowel-consonant words and blending and segmenting these sounds. eg. Dog has 3 sounds d-o-g (segmenting) and B-e-d makes the word bed (blending).

* We have looked at text conventions and are using this skill when reading and writing simple texts. Over the holidays is a great opportunity for your child to retell events, draw a picture and write about their experiences, write a caption for a photo, send a letter to a relative, have a phone conversation about an activity they have done etc.

* When using oral language, encourage your child to use full sentences, correct tense and pronouns, expand on their ideas, connect their ideas using a range of connectives such as; next, then, and, and then, so, because. Also encourage your child to use appropriate speaking conventions; looking at the listener, speaking clearly and using an appropriate volume and tone of voice.

* Practice letter formation using various materials such as paint, chalk, water and paint brush, shaving cream, mirrors, sand, flour, playdough, rice etc. 

* Revise rhyme and syllables.

* Numbers to 15: recognising numbers and forming numbers.

* Simple addition using objects

* Measurement using objects.

* 0-9 number sequence.

* Pencil grip and scissor skills.  

* Make the most of incidental learning opportunities such as hanging out the washing, posting letters, shopping, making dinner, folding clothes, sorting items, reading stories,  art and craft and retelling events. All these experiences have rich learning opportunities that only take a few minutes to reinforce and practice. 

I hope you have a safe and happy holiday, I want to thank all the parents for your support and hard work this term it has been an absolute pleasure to meet and work along side you. I will come and visit through out next term so I will hopefully see you all then.


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